How to Encourage Student Learning

Encouraging students to learn and perform at higher levels is a challenge for many teachers. Teachers who encourage learning produce individuals who are better educated and more prepared for the future. To encourage a student to learn, teachers must put in extra time and effort both in and out of the classroom. Read on to learn how to encourage student learning.
Set high expectations for the students. The expectations teachers have for students impact the students' success. Tell the students what you expect from them at the beginning of the year. Put your goals for them in writing and hang them up in the classroom.
Change your instructional methods from time to time. Students respond best to a wide range of teaching techniques. Change the way you present lectures, demonstrations, cooperative learning and discovery learning. This helps maintain the students' interest during class.
Use the students' personal interests to explain an idea. Pay attention to the students and make notes about topics that excite them. Plan activities that incorporate their interests with your teaching goals.
Teach students to set goals for their classwork and in their private lives. This skill helps in class, in school and in future careers. Students who have good goal-setting skills develop excellent time-management and organizational skills.
Evaluate what the students already know about the subject. Before you begin instruction on a topic, discuss the subject with a question-and-answer session. Use what you learn from the session to determine your starting point for the class. While teaching, watch your students to see if they look bored or confused. Ask questions to gauge if they understand the information. Review difficult or complicated information for students who aren't catching on.
Grade classwork and tests in a timely manner. Give the work back to the students in time for them to review the papers and correct their mistakes before major tests. Congratulate students who perform well and encourage those who aren't meeting the expected standards. Leave constructive and insightful criticism on the students' classwork.